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  • High Grange School is an Outstanding Specialist Independent School for Children and Young People with a primary diagnosis of Autism.

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    Your Journey at High Grange

    welcome__item image Gavin Spicer - Principal

    A warm welcome from our Principal

    As Principal of High Grange School, I would like to welcome you to our website. Since opening in September 2011, High Grange School has grown in size and reputation and is now an Outstanding (Ofsted 2023) specialist, independent school for children and young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC).

    • Our ethos - ACE

      Adaptive thinkers

      Pupils with ASC often have fixed mind-set’s and can rely heavily on structure and routine. Being an adaptive, flexible thinker requires our pupils to explore and problem solve in a different way. Our pupils will explore the concept of flexible thinking and will be taught strategies and techniques to allow them to become adaptive thinkers.

    • Our ethos - ACE

      Communication Skills

      Our pupils may have difficultly developing language skills and understanding what is being said to them. Having an awareness and learning how the social mind is expected to work is essential for developing and maintaining relationships. Pupils work towards understanding the skills required to engage socially and academically; providing opportunities to use new techniques to enhance their ability to communicate successfully.

    • Our ethos - ACE

      Emotional Wellbeing

      We recognise the importance of having a stable mindset for our pupils; the way they think, feel and react can have a significant impact on their day and quality of life. Our pupils will learn about core emotions to gain valuable emotional literacy skills. Learning is focused on linking a range of academic and social experiences with opportunities to develop Emotional Well-being skills.

    • Adaptive thinkers image
    • Communication Skills image
    • Emotional Wellbeing image
    • Take a tour around our outstanding school

      High Grange School is a purpose-built ASC school, with a low eco-footprint and is situated in a safe and tranquil, semi-rural setting with excellent transport links.

    • Extensive Therapeutic Team

      At High Grange School we have an extensive Therapy and Specialist Intervention Team.  The overarching aim of the team is to: ‘Deliver an embedded, holistic model of provision to pupils so they can develop self-reliance, resilience and self-confidence that will enable them to maximise their potential and move on to live independent and meaningful lives.’

    • The Heart of our Curriculum Offer

      Alongside the safety and welfare of our pupils, their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is of paramount importance at High Grange School. We are proud of our strong safeguarding and rigorous approach to online safety for pupils. For many years, we have embedded autism-friendly Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education into our curriculum and at developmentally appropriate stages, this is supplemented by our sensitively planned approach to Relationships and Sex education (RSE). Staff at High Grange School actively embrace equality and diversity and they promote fundamental British values in their formal teaching as well as in their informal daily interactions with pupils.

    • Our House System

      Each pupil at High Grange School is allocated to one of three houses which are named Raven, Dove and Hawk. Pupils belong to their house for the entire time they spend at High Grange School and they earn house points for their efforts, attitude and contributions to school life. Each house will take part in a range of activities every half term to accrue points

    • 360-degree tour
    • Therapy
    • Core Principles
    • Our House System
    • 360-degree tour image
    • Therapy image
    • Core Principles image
    • Our House System image

    High Grange overview

    • Through School System

    • Robust Musical Curriculum

    • Swimming Pool

    • Astroturf

    • Forest Education

    • Hydrotherapy Pool

    • 3-Level Softplay

    Contact Us

    Contact us

    High Grange School
    Hospital Lane,
    Mickleover, Derby,
    DE3 0DR

    01332 412777


    High Grange School
    Hospital Lane,
    Mickleover, Derby,
    DE3 0DR