Core Principles
The heart of our curriculum offer
Alongside the safety and welfare of our pupils, their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is of paramount importance at High Grange School. We are proud of our strong safeguarding and rigorous approach to online safety for pupils. For many years, we have embedded autism-friendly Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education into our curriculum and at developmentally appropriate stages, this is supplemented by our sensitively planned approach to Relationships and Sex education (RSE). Staff at High Grange School actively embrace equality and diversity and they promote fundamental British values in their formal teaching as well as in their informal daily interactions with pupils.
Reading is also paramount in our everyday learning at High Grange School. We allow opportunities for pupils to be immersed in literature in all lessons and have reading areas in all classrooms.
For mor information on how these core principles and values are integrated across our curriculum offer, please click here.