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At the Heart of the School

Literacy across the school

We explicitly teach phonics to all lower school pupils through 'Jolly Phonics'. They progressively move to spelling and grammar learning with a choice of approaches depending on the age and stage of the child. Alongside phonics we follow the 'Accelerated Reading' program as our reading scheme. This scheme uses everyday books that are levelled and have an online quiz to check for comprehension and understanding of the books. We use the same scheme for termly assessments that are completed online.

In Middle School, pupils have 'Power of Reading' lessons, a scheme of texts to explore together, promote discussions and critical analysis of texts. Upper School and sixth form students are encouraged to engage in weekly reading for pleasure lessons. These foster and promote a lifelong love of reading a variety of reading materials. We have onsite specialist literacy support for pupils of all ages needing extra assistance. Each pupil has a bespoke programme based on their specific needs.

PSHE/RSE Curriculum

At High Grange School, Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education focuses on developing effective communication, emotional wellbeing, and adaptability in real-world scenarios. Through group discussions, students share ideas, opinions, and experiences, learning to respect others' viewpoints and improve their communication skills. The curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including health, wellbeing, relationships, and real-life problem-solving, with a strong emphasis on emotional development.

A key component of PSHE is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). High Grange follows the Department for Education (DfE) guidelines, ensuring students are taught the importance of healthy relationships. Effective RSE aims to help students form safe, healthy, and fulfilling relationships throughout life.

High Grange School has long incorporated PSHE and RSE into its core curriculum, and following the 2020 statutory changes, the school has updated its RSE curriculum to meet new requirements. Lessons are tailored to students' age, emotional and social maturity, Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes, and cultural and religious backgrounds. From primary to key stage five, these topics are taught weekly through a spiral curriculum that ensures content is presented sensitively and respectfully.

While parents/carers can withdraw their children from specific Sex Education lessons, they cannot opt out of broader Relationships Education, Health Education, or Science topics on puberty, conception, and reproduction. Parents may request withdrawal up to three terms before the child turns 16, after which the decision lies with the student. High Grange strongly recommends full participation, as students are likely to hear about these topics outside of the classroom without the benefit of teacher guidance. The school ensures clear communication about lesson content and the withdrawal process each year.


Online Safety Guides

High Grange School positively facilitates online safety across the school by impacting students during their Computing lessons, PSHE lessons and through the hidden curriculum. Online safety in the UK is heavily guided by the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) framework, which emphasises the importance of equipping students with the skills to navigate the digital world safely and independently.  This falls in line with the ethos High Grange School instils in its students. The importance for us to educate students on managing online risks, such as cyberbullying, grooming, and exposure to harmful content, while fostering digital resilience, is of high importance to us as a school, as we are tasked with providing a toolkit of practical strategies, including how to recognise and report dangers, maintain privacy, and critically assess online information. By encouraging digital literacy, problem-solving, and ethical online behaviour, we aim to prepare students for the challenges of an ever-evolving online environment, ensuring they can engage confidently and responsibly with technology.

SMSC/FBV/Cultural Capital/Protected Characteristics

At High Grange School, the intent is to develop students into confident, well-rounded citizens who positively contribute to their communities and the wider world. The school recognises that personal development must go hand-in-hand with academic progress, in alignment with Ofsted’s six focus areas: broader development, character building (resilience, confidence, independence), mental health and wellbeing, physical development, preparation for each stage of education, and life in modern Britain (promoting spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development with British values).

To achieve this, High Grange has implemented a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum, which is integrated into the school day. The curriculum covers statutory relationships, health, and sex education content. Cross-curricular links further enrich this program through subjects like science, history, and religious education, as well as activities such as assemblies, and school events. PSHE/RSE is taught by class teachers for younger students and by the PSHE/RSE lead for older students.

Religious education focuses on understanding world religions, promoting respect for diverse faiths, and fostering self-awareness. The spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) development of students is a key aspect of the curriculum, and the school emphasises fundamental British values: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths.

Students engage in activities that encourage self-advocacy, respect for diversity, and an understanding of societal rules and laws. Through assemblies, school councils, and special cultural events, students are taught to respect and accept different views, building an understanding of what is right and wrong. Restorative justice is promoted as a way to develop resilience and self-awareness.

High Grange integrates these values into every aspect of school life, preparing students to be responsible, resilient, and respectful citizens. The impact of these provisions is evidenced by students’ development of lifelong skills, including empathy, respect, social intelligence, and the ability to maintain successful relationships. They are equipped to contribute positively to society, use social media safely, and maintain physical and mental wellbeing. The school instils core and British values, encouraging students to take pride in their achievements, embrace challenges, and aspire to reach their full potential.

Cultural Capital

Cultural capital refers to the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and behaviours that children draw upon to demonstrate cultural awareness, competence, and social mobility. It empowers children to succeed in society, their careers, and the world of work, promoting success and advancement without necessarily relying on wealth. At High Grange School, cultural capital is recognised as essential for students to aspire and succeed academically and in broader life areas. The school identifies six key areas of development that collectively contribute to a child's cultural capital:

  1. Personal Development: This includes citizenship education, mental health and wellbeing support, confidence-building activities, and resilience strategies.
  2. Social Development: Students engage in volunteering, charitable work, student leadership roles (e.g., School Council), and receive support from the school’s multi-disciplinary team.
  3. Physical Development: The school emphasises physical education, healthy eating, safeguarding policies, and participation in sports and wellbeing activities like the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
  4. Spiritual Development: Students explore different religions through the Religious Education curriculum, visit religious buildings, and engage in reflective acts and expressions of individual faith.
  5. Moral Development: This includes the school’s behaviour policy, restorative justice practices, and contributions to charitable projects.
  6. Cultural Development: Through PSHE, arts education, language and culture programs, and promoting racial equality, students gain an understanding of cultural diversity and community cohesion.

Each curriculum area contributes to developing cultural capital, supporting students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) growth across the school.

Fundamental British Values

High Grange School, a culturally diverse institution, is dedicated to promoting the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) development of its students. The school embraces and integrates the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance/acceptance of different faiths and beliefs.

At High Grange, these values are woven into the fabric of daily school life and the curriculum, including subjects like PSHE, Citizenship, Asdan and Religious Education. The school’s bespoke curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in modern Britain, while also preparing them to be respectful and resilient citizens in a global society.

Students at High Grange explore key concepts such as self-advocacy, the importance of rules and laws, cultural diversity, and respect for different beliefs. These principles are embedded in the school's ethos, learning policies, assemblies, and school council, as well as special events and cultural celebrations. By learning about various faiths and cultures, students develop tolerance, respect, and a clear sense of right and wrong.

Additionally, the school fosters resilience and self-awareness through a restorative justice approach to conflict resolution, encouraging students to be caring, responsible, and confident citizens. High Grange’s promotion of British Values aligns with the government’s definition, as set out in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and reiterated in 2014. These values are reinforced regularly across all aspects of the school's operations and are highlighted in the SMSC section of the school’s website.

Protected Characteristics

High Grange School promotes equality and diversity by teaching about protected characteristics, ensuring students’ personal development aligns with statutory responsibilities. Ofsted inspects how effectively schools teach these characteristics, which include age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, sex, sexual orientation, and pregnancy and maternity. High Grange School demonstrates zero tolerance for discrimination, educates students on protected characteristics in an age-appropriate manner, and integrates these lessons across the curriculum - emphasising embedding these values in everyday teaching rather than treating them as separate topics.

High Grange School incorporates diversity, including teachings on world religions, history, geography, and diverse literature throughout the academic year. For example, discussing family diversity in primary while secondary age pupils explore gender identity and sexual orientation. We promote the nine protected characteristics through core values, behaviour policies, assemblies, cross-curricular approaches, and community engagement.

The Equality Act of 2010 protects individuals from discrimination in various settings, including education. High Grange School promotes these characteristics to foster self-esteem, confidence, respect for democracy, and responsibility for personal behaviour. By doing so, students learn to respect their own and others' cultures, contribute positively to society, and understand equality and human rights. Teaching about protected characteristics helps students recognize the importance of democracy, the rule of law, and the freedom to hold different beliefs.

High-quality education on protected characteristics equips students to identify and combat discrimination while promoting tolerance, acceptance, and respect for diversity in all aspects of life, fostering inclusive, responsible, and resilient citizens.


High Grange School
Hospital Lane,
Mickleover, Derby,