Therapy Overview
Therapy and Specialist Intervention Team
At High Grange School we have an extensive Therapy and Specialist Intervention Team. The overarching aim of the team is to:
‘Deliver an embedded, holistic model of provision to pupils so they can develop self-reliance, resilience and self-confidence that will enable them to maximise their potential and move on to live independent and meaningful lives.’
Based on a pupil’s EHCP, we will conduct our own school-based assessment in order to:
- determine pupil needs within their current environment.
- tailor therapeutic approaches to individual needs.
- identify and then implement the most effective, person-centred packages of support for each pupil.
Regular evaluation of our pupils’ needs feeds into the EHCP review process to ensure the most appropriate and accurate provision is made for each individual pupil.
Our onsite team includes Specialists in:
- Occupational Therapy
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
Where appropriate, all of our specialists are registered to practice with their respective professional bodies and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapists work with pupils who have differences in the following areas:
- Sensory Processing (for example over-responsiveness to noise and touch)
- Eating differences (oral motor and chewing)
- Gross and fine motor skills (including handwriting)
- Higher Executive skills (organisation, memory, sequencing etc.) and visual perception.
- Activities of daily living (e.g. getting dressed), play and leisure activities
- Self-esteem, Anxiety
- Social skills (integration and engagement
Based on individual needs, we offer:
- 1:1, paired or small group sessions
- OT facilitated equine therapy
- Life skills and community-based support (directly or indirectly)
- Sensory integration sessions in a specially equipped therapy room
- Therapy pool sessions
Literacy and Numeracy Specialist Tutors
Our Literacy and Numeracy specialist tutors support pupils who have a diagnosis of Dyslexia or Dyscalculia or who have differences associated with their reading, writing and numeracy in the following areas:
- Phonics
- Spelling
- Hand Writing
- Executive Functioning skills
- Need for assistive technology
Our specialists work directly with pupils in 1:1 sessions and across the school in collaboration with class teachers.
The Psychology and Wellbeing Team
Our Clinical Psychologists and Psychotherapists work with pupils who have been given a diagnosis such as PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Depressive Illness, Developmental Trauma, or Eating Disorder as well as with pupils who have differences in the following areas:
- Emotional Regulation (impacting on mental health, social and emotional functioning.
- Emotional resilience
- Self-esteem
- Risk-taking (impacting on mental health, social and emotional functioning)
- Cognitive functioning (impacting on learning, social interaction, emotional wellbeing)
We offer holistic support for our pupils and this can include providing parents with advice and support in helping their child to develop and overcome obstacles to progress. The team also provides individual and group sessions involving Play Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness and Wellbeing discussions.
Speech and Language Therapy
Our Speech and Language Therapists work with pupils who have differences in the following areas:
- Listening, attention and concentration
- Language comprehension (verbal and nonverbal)
- Expressive language (verbal and nonverbal)
- Fluency of expression (including reluctant talkers)
- Social Interaction
- Flexibility of thought and Emotional Regulation
The team works directly with pupils through 1:1, paired, and small group work. Also, there is a focus on ensuring the people around the pupils understand and use a variety of tools to maximise the pupils’ communicative potential and success.