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  • ACE ethos - Adaptable Thinking, Communication Skills and Emotional Well-being lead to the overarching – fundamental aim is for Pupils to become as INDEPENDENT as possible.

    Our House System

    Each pupil at High Grange School is allocated to one of three houses which are named Raven, Dove and Hawk. Pupils belong to their house for the entire time they spend at High Grange School and they earn house points for their efforts, attitude and contributions to school life.

    Each house will take part in a range of activities every half term to accrue points. Alongside these house events, pupils can earn additional house points throughout their school day, by showing inspiring effort and independence, or thoughtful and considerate behaviour towards a peer, or by completing exceptional work. The house with the most points at the end of each academic year will be awarded the house cup.

    The aims of the house system are to:

    • Motivate pupils to have a sense of belonging and to feel part of the successful running of everyday school life.
    • Enable pupils to take responsibility for managing their own conduct.
    • Provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their social, self-help, independence and life skills while taking part in new experiences outside the classroom.
    • To allow pupils to pursue their vocational and leisure interests and to encourage them to participate in team events in a safe environment.
    • To act as a link between the different age groups in the school by providing pupils with opportunities for working and playing together.



    High Grange School
    Hospital Lane,
    Mickleover, Derby,
    DE3 0DR