Sixth Form
Subject |
Qualification Type |
Maths |
English |
Science |
History |
Geography |
P.E. |
ICT / Computing |
Design & Technology |
Art |
Music |
Music Technology |
Mandatory Across Key Stages 1-5 Units can be used towards ASDAN and COPE qualifications |
Citizenship |
Politics |
Food Technology |
Religious Studies / World Studies |
Duke of Edinburgh Award |
PSE (formerly CoPE) |
*Collage Course |
Preparation For Adulthood (PFA) |
Modules include
PFA also incorporates ‘learning to drive’, first aid, and ‘independent travel’ training. The school has strong local business links to provide advice and support in CV writing and job applications and mock interviews. Where appropriate, students are expected to access work related learning opportunities on-site and offsite. We arrange visits from external companies such as Rolls Royce, National Grid, and the Police. Students will also be taught domestic chores such as washing and ironing clothes, and planning, and organising daily household tasks. Students are able to access direct and indirect inputs from our Therapy and Specialist Intervention Team. |
Our Vocational Offer
We offer a broad range of vocational routes for students to undertake, alongside academic qualifications, which include:
- Photography through Arts award
- Duke of Edinburgh award
- Sports Leaders – level 1, 2 and 3
- Preparation for adulthood (see above link for more details)
- Equine care
- Health and Social care
- Engineered Learning and Engineered Racing
- BTEC food and nutrition
- We have also offered a 2-day plumbing and tiling course.
Personal timetables are formulated in consultation with students, and they are highly individualised and tailored towards chosen career pathways or future destinations.
Careers education is embedded throughout our school curriculum, helping students make informed choices about what they might want to pursue when they leave High Grange School and the avenues that are open to them. The school also provides independent careers advice through ‘Futures’, for small groups and individual career guidance sessions.